How Behavioral Techniques Can Aid in Child Anger Management
Do you feel like your child has been doing a lot of lashing out recently? While throwing tantrums is perfectly normal for kids, it can become a major issue once his anger is enough to frighten and disrupt your family. If this is the case, it’s time to seek professional child anger management on how behavioral techniques can aid in child anger.
For parents, there are a number of behavioral therapies that can help with child aggression. These can help bring down stress levels at home and improve the relationship between parent and child. Moms and dads can benefit by learning new strategies to manage their child’s anger effectively, while the child himself can learn to deal with his own disruptive behavior.
Parent-Child Interaction for Child Anger Management
Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) is beneficial for kids aged 2 to 7. Here, you will work with your child through exercises while a therapist gives you coaching through an earpiece. You’ll learn to give proper attention to positive behavior, ignore minor misbehaviors, and give the right responses to aggressive behavior. Most importantly, you’ll learn to be calm throughout all this.
Parent Management Training for Child Anger Management
PMT follows a similar concept as PCIT, but here the therapist works with just the parents, and not the child.
Collaborative and Proactive Solutions for Child Anger Management
With CPS, disruptive and aggressive behavior is seen as the outcome of “lagging skills”. These behaviors are not considered attempts to test your limits or ways to get more attention. With this in mind, CPS teaches kids whatever skills they may lack which are necessary for responding properly to certain situations. These skills will help them have a more effective manner of expressing themselves and reacting, instead of throwing a tantrum.
Professional Child Anger Management Consultation
Positive Kids Canada helps many families, parents, and children deal with various psychological and behavioral issues. Anger and aggression are common problems in children, and we can help you cope with your situation. By undergoing professional consultation, we can give you ample advice, tips, and guidance on how to best deal with your child’s anger issues.
Feel free to contact our Canada offices today for more information.
Additional Resource on Child Anger Management
The Child Mind Institute gives a thorough explanation of explosive behavior in children: what causes it, how to deal with it, and various therapies that may help.