Nurturing Resilience: Supporting Kids with OCD

Supporting Kids with OCD by Positive Kids Canada

At Positive Kids, we understand that OCD doesn’t discriminate based on age; it can impact the lives of our little ones too. Here, we explore the intricacies of OCD in children, sharing coping strategies and offering valuable insights tailored for parents, educators, and caregivers. Supporting kids with OCD can help them lead strong, resilient lives.

Understanding OCD in Kids:

OCD manifests through obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, but it’s crucial to emphasize that it’s a medical condition, not a reflection of a child being ‘difficult’ or ‘stubborn.’ We’ll use relatable examples to help parents and caregivers identify potential signs in their young ones, fostering a nurturing environment.

Signs and Symptoms:

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions can significantly interfere with a person’s daily life. Here are a few examples of obsessions and compulsions commonly associated with OCD:


  1. Fear of Contamination: An individual might have an intense fear of germs or dirt, leading to excessive handwashing or avoiding situations where they fear contamination.
  2. Fear of Harming Others: Some people experience intrusive thoughts about causing harm to others, even though they have no intention of doing so. These thoughts can lead to avoidance behaviors or mental rituals to prevent harm.
  3. Need for Symmetry or Order: Obsessions about needing things to be symmetrical or in a specific order can result in compulsive arranging, organizing, or aligning objects until the individual feels a sense of relief.
  4. Fear of Making a Mistake: Persistent fears of making a mistake or being responsible for a tragic event can lead to compulsive checking behaviors, such as repeatedly checking if doors are locked or appliances are turned off.
  5. Unwanted Taboo Thoughts: Intrusive thoughts about taboo subjects, such as sex or religion, can cause significant distress. Individuals might perform mental rituals or seek reassurance to alleviate these thoughts.


  1. Checking: Individuals may repeatedly check things like locks, switches, or appliances to ensure they are turned off, leading to delays in leaving the house.
  2. Counting: Some people engage in counting rituals, such as counting steps or objects, to reduce anxiety or prevent a feared event from occurring.
  3. Washing and Cleaning: Excessive handwashing or cleaning items compulsively to remove perceived contamination is a common compulsion in OCD.
  4. Repeating: Repeating actions, words, or phrases can be a compulsion. This behavior is often driven by the fear that something terrible will happen if the action is not repeated a specific number of times.
  5. Avoidance: Individuals may avoid situations, places, or people that trigger their obsessions, leading to significant disruptions in their daily lives and relationships.

What is  needed

    • Parental Support:   Parents are the bedrock of support for children dealing with OCD. At Positive Kids, we provide practical tips to help parents create an environment of understanding and empathy. Open communication, active listening, and judgment-free conversations are essential. We’ll delve into the importance of patience and introduce the role of family therapy and support groups in navigating OCD as a united front.
    • School and Peer Relationships: Children with OCD encounter unique challenges in school and social settings. We’ll discuss strategies for parents to collaborate with teachers and school staff, ensuring a compassionate and accommodating learning environment. Additionally, we’ll explore ways to educate peers about OCD, fostering empathy and dismantling stigma through awareness and understanding.

Coping Strategies for Kids:

At Positive Kids, we believe in empowering children with age-appropriate coping strategies. We’ll explore techniques such as mindfulness, creative outlets like art and journaling, and calming exercises. These resources are designed to help parents guide their children in managing anxiety and intrusive thoughts effectively, instilling confidence in their ability to cope.

:Professional intervention is a cornerstone of managing pediatric OCD. We’ll guide parents on finding specialized therapists and counselors. Addressing common concerns about therapy and medication, we’ll emphasize the positive impact of early intervention, helping families navigate the path toward healing and resilience. An OCD diagnosis doesn’t diminish a child’s potential. We’ll explore ways to boost their self-esteem by celebrating achievements, setting achievable goals, and highlighting their unique strengths. Through activities promoting self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment, parents can nurture resilience in their children, fostering a positive self-image.  We’ll also share inspiring accounts of children who have triumphed over their OCD challenges. These real-life narratives will illuminate the paths they walked, the support they received, and the strategies that helped them overcome obstacles. These stories serve as beacons of hope, guiding families toward optimism and resilience.


Navigating OCD in children requires understanding, patience, and a supportive community. By fostering awareness, providing resources, and promoting resilience, Positive Kids empowers families to help their children thrive despite the challenges posed by OCD. Stay tuned for more insights, personal stories, and expert advice on supporting children with OCD as they embark on their journey to recovery. Remember, there’s hope, and together, we can make a difference.