Does your child’s bedroom look like it’s been burglarized? Does the inside of their backpack look like a trash bin? Is your child always missing something, like a favorite shirt, a book, an accessory or even an assignment? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be that your child struggles with planning and organizing. Well, it’s time to stop complaining and do something about it. You are not alone in this ordeal. A lot of parents just like are having the exact same experience. However, we need to do something now before it becomes a habit or a way of life they carry into adolescence and ultimately adulthood. Teaching children about organizational skills now will help them in the long run. Organizational skills are vital to a child’s independence. It won’t only keep their rooms tidy but the thought process behind cleaning and organizing can also help children manage problems more effectively in other areas of life.
As a result of organizing, children become more productive and efficient. They learn to manage their time, energy, resources, find things on their own and become more independent. In order for you to help your child persevere in this area, we have some suggestions.
Here is a list of techniques on how to help your Child become more organized;
Instill the benefits of cleanliness and being organized. Direct their attention to the pros of having a neat room, or keeping their backpacks tidy like being able to find pencils without stress or being able to invite friends over only when room is tidy.
Create or set up designated places for storing items. Items can be divided into commonly used and seldomly items . They can pack these items into boxes or plastic crates, bins or other storage tools. Once items have been separated, they can also label these items by identifying them as toys, clothes, shoes, etc. Make sure your child is part of the decision making process of when and where to place items because it enhances problem solving skills.
One of the reasons why kids become disorganized is because they have too many things and have not been taught to de-clutter. There is a time to throw things away and this too has to be incorporated into their mindsets. Children must be taught how to separate items that are still purposeful or useful and items that are not. Some children get emotionally attached to certain items and have a hard time parting from them. This is yet another opportunity to teach them the life lesson of letting go-especially when something no longer has any value, even relationships with things that have worn out their welcome.
Expect a learning curve when you are teaching your child to be organized. Don’t expect your child to catch on right away for as with everything, this too will be a is a process. You and your child can schedule Cleaning Sessions- this is a set time where you and your child can dedicate some time to cleaning and organizing until they can do it on their own. You can point out some places that they need to focus on, like a desk or a closet. You can also develop check list for must do areas and you can review those places at the end of the cleaning session.
Be a Role Model to your child. They’ll likely be more organized if they see you being organized. Children are like sponges and will develop your habits as they watch and monitor how you organize.
Provide rewards for consistently keep their room clean and organized, not just when they feel like it. Children need to experience the perks of obedience and good listening. You can stick post it’s on their door that says “Good Job” or randomly check their room, and if they have kept it clean -offer to buy them ice-cream and so forth. We all need to be encouraged when we are doing something right and children definitely are motivated when they get rewarded for certain behaviors.