Anger Management for Kids

child anger management Positive Kids Canada

Kids struggle to express their feelings in a socially appropriate manner and since it is basic human instinct to react to this signaling emotion, it is our duty as Parents, Guardians, Counselors, and caring Adults to help them define what they are feeling especially with Anger.

Anger is an intense emotional response, which is normal human behavior. It is a strong feeling that even we adults cannot deny. But often, when Anger is not recognized and channeled to constructive ends it becomes out of control. The child gets Frustrated and flares up to disrespect, defiance, temper tantrums, and Aggression, which can lead up to Physiological Problems. Anger Management for kids is one of the best ways to cope with angry feelings. It reduces negative feelings as well as the negative physiological changes caused by Anger. It may be difficult to deal with your child right now but together step by step you and your child can learn to identify, control, and prevent disruptive behavior. Hand in hand, you can assure your child that he or she is not alone in this ordeal.

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In order for us to effectively reach out to a Child in a fit, we must be able to distinguish the difference between Angry Behavior from an Aggressive outburst. We must also be careful in distinguishing behavior that indicates emotional problems and behavior that is normal. Sometimes we tend to overreact to these kinds of situations and cloud our judgments when the child is already making a scene.

Here are some key reminders when dealing with an Angry Child.

Stay Calm and Empathetic. Remember that Anger is a temporary emotional state; you should not be pulled into the child’s state. Anger versus Anger, especially with someone younger will not result in an agreeable scenario. Be the Adult and show the child you have the ability to contain his massive eruption of feelings.
Communicate and Connect. Take the first step in asking the Child what is wrong, what triggered his outburst and why is he feeling that way. Helping him label his feelings, and verbally saying he is Angry because of something or someone is one step in helping him understand his emotion and recognize his anger.
Be the person who accepts and respect his feeling. Acknowledge that you understand why he is angry. Most of the time Children are misunderstood and they just need someone who listens to them.
Educate and Redirect. Guide your child to convert his anger to something positive and constructive. Venting it out through writing notes and journals and also drawing and paintings.

But when a Child is unable to contain his angry feeling towards something or someone it often results in Aggressive Physical outbursts. Fits turn into belligerence, and this might be a threat to the child’s own safety and the person he might be Angry at or anyone that surrounds him during his physical outpouring of anger. Unfortunately, not all children can communicate and identify their emotions and just converts everything he feels to Anger. In most cases, Anger in children roots in Sadness and Depression. A child who is often sad diverts his feeling to Anger. He keeps his sadness within and rages out with Anger. There are also children who are unable to express their Anger. Unexpressed Anger might lead to health hazards like high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. Keep a careful watch on these kinds of behavior; this might be a call for help, time for Anger Management for kids.

Anger Management can help our Children to control their Anger before it Controls them. Let’s guide our children in learning and acquiring these skills, this might not be a walk in the park and requires a lot of patience and practice but this will definitely be beneficial for your Child in the long run. Here are 5 Anger Management tips to facilitate with your Child:

Anger Management Tips

Stop and Breathe. It’s Okay to let that anger out but teach your child to take a moment and breathe. This will give him time to identify and label his feeling.
Calm Down and Think. The best way to calm someone is to talk with them. Verbalizing his emotion can help him realize that the way he is feeling should not result in disruptive behavior. You can also teach him positive self-talk and count from 1 to 10 so he can regain control of his emotion.
Move Forward. When the child gained control of his emotion he must always remember to move forward, leave the place that got him angry or distance himself from the person that caused his anger.

Get him to divert his anger to something positive, like writing or drawing. You can also get him to try some calming activities for kids, like reading books, blowing some bubbles, playing with clay, dancing, and singing.

Support your Child. Be a good role model. If your child sees you lose her temper, he will likely do the same. Show him that you can deal with your emotions in the way that you are teaching him, and be the best possible example. Keep track of and acknowledge his accomplishments in handling his anger issue.
With your help and guidance, your child should be able to acquire these skills, but if your child still struggles to get his Anger under control or the problem worsen maybe it’s time to seek professional help. There is no need for a referral from your Family Doctor. There are a lot of institutions that have programs that specialize in this kind of behavior in children. Don’t wait; act now before it’s too late. A child is never too young, never too old to get help. We are here to help; you can reach Positive Kids at 1-866-503-7454. We are child therapists, and counselors that work with children who struggle with Aggression, defiance, timidity, and even shyness and we offer a curriculum that helps children to become more assertive, and confident and develop self-respect. Email us today at