Behavior Therapy: ADHD for Children and Parents
When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, he is unable to pay attention for long periods of time. He cannot focus on the tasks at hand. This can be a problem when he goes to school. More importantly, his interpersonal relationships can also suffer. ADHD for children can be disruptive, as well as to those around the child. Behavior therapy can be a helpful start towards treating it as soon as a proper diagnosis has been made.
The goal of Behavior Therapy in ADHD for Children
The goal of behavior therapy is to identify positive behaviors and strengthen them, as well as to get rid of problem behaviors. Behavior therapy may include parent training on top of therapy for the child. The core principles followed by this therapy may also be applied at school.
Parent Training in Behavior Therapy in ADHD for Children
A significant advantage of this therapy is the availability of parent training, where moms and dads are taught new skills to cope with the condition. Current skills are also reinforced to help guide them in managing their child’s behavior. Parent training has been effective in improving the parent’s relationship with the child, reducing problem behaviors, and maintaining a happier and stress-free household.
What to Expect in Behavior Therapy in ADHD for Children
During a behavior therapy session, our licensed therapist will work with your child to discover new behaviors and replace old problem behaviors with them. Our therapist will also guide your child to be able to better express his thoughts and feelings in positive ways that do not cause problems, either for himself or those around him.
Positive Kids helps families understand ADHD from the perspective of the diagnosed child in order to deal with the situation more effectively. By gaining the necessary skills, parents can manage the symptoms and cope with the effects of the condition without getting exhausted from day-to-day struggles.
Why You Should Choose Behavior Therapy in Treating ADHD for Children
According to the 2011 clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), most physicians urge parents to use behavior therapy as the first form of treatment for ADHD in preschoolers.
Medications can be effective in dealing with the symptoms, but behavior therapy can benefit your child even more. Here are some of the reasons why parents should try behavior therapy before resorting to medication.
- – Parents gain important skills in helping their children.
- – Preschoolers may suffer from more side effects using ADHD medications compared to older kids.
- – The long-term effects of these drugs on children have not been studied well enough.
This is not to say that medications cannot benefit your children. In fact, medications are an integral part of ADHD treatment. It is only suggested that parents look into more non-invasive ways of therapy before using pharmacological measures to minimize any risks and side effects.
If you are seeking behavior therapy for your child, or want to enroll in behavior therapy parent training, Positive Kids Canada offers the services that you need. Our licensed professionals are more than capable of guiding you and your child through this process. Get professional help and understand the condition better. We guarantee that you will experience improvement in your child’s symptoms and in your abilities for coping with ADHD for children.