What is Educational Counselling?

A service that amplifies the strength of a child to learn at his/her best.  The focus is not strictly on the subject matter but also to enlighten the child on how to process information, provide tools or strategies to help them focus and to bridge any difficulties with focus and attention. 

ADHD Coaching

ADHD Coaching recognizes that not all kids are wired the same way and in response to that -works with the uniqueness of that child to recognize thinking patterns, habits and attitudes that get in the way of processing and comprehending material.

In addition, Our Executive Functioning Coaches will help with:

  • Sourcing apps
  • Academic supports, visual aids
  • Counseling/mentoring
  • Boosting will, motivation and determination
  • Accessing school curriculum and expectations
  • Advocacy in school system and in class supports
kids counselor Positive Kids Canada

Our Goals

What makes our program special?


Dedicated Counsellors

0 +

Students Enrolled

0 %

Overcoming Life's great challenges

0 %

Satisfied Parents

Our Personal Belief Statement

At Positive Kinds, we believe:

Children Possess A Template For Greatness.
Whatever goes into a child in the formative years make a profound impact in later adult years.
Every child can benefit from social-emotional child therapy classes.
Emotional and social skills are just as valuable at academic abilities and in some cases more so in coping with the realities for life.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Educational Counseling For Your Child

Contact Info




1-866 50EQ4-KIDS / 1-866-503-7454

Head Office

420 Britannia Road East #200A, Mississauga Ontario, L4Z 3L5
