David Barnett M.A 

David Barnett M.A 


“My names David Barnett. I’m a registered psychotherapist (qualifying) and my specialty is working with ADHD clients and their families.  I bring an evidence based approach to treating ADHD, primarily using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, while also using EMDR and Logotherapy when it is relevant to my client’s needs.  I don’t just know ADHD because it’s my specialty of research and practice, but because I have it myself and struggled to thrive with it for most of my youth.

First, I educate my clients and their families about what ADHD is and what it isn’t as there are many common misconceptions which can lead to ineffective treatments. 

Second, I work with families to teach skills and help them structure their environment to help their ADHD child thrive.

Third, I work with your child to ensure they have a safe space to talk about their issues with someone who understands it from real life and textbook experiences, while also teaching them strategies and skills to navigate life.

My hobbies are diverse, including sports, video games, film and television, painting, playing instruments and making music, board games, comedy, reading, crosswords to name a few.”
