Counselling Support Tools and Resources

Accepting _No_  – How to accept No

Building Confidence PositiveSelf  TalkDailyAffirmationsforKids-

ButterfliesinMyBellyANXIETYCopingActivity-1y Butterflies in My Belly- Anxiety activity
CalmDownChecklistCalmDownChecklist– Calm Down Check list

Consequences and Criticism

InYourShoesSpeechTherapyforSocialSkills– In your Shoes (Empathy exercises)

HelpMeFeelBetterCopingandCalmingSprayFree-1– Coping and calming techniques

OvercomeAnxietypdfeBook-1-Overcoming Anxiety

How would you feel bought– How would you Feel exercises

SmallGroupIndividualCounselingImpulseControlActivitiesPacket– Impulsivity workbook

TrashTalkersBuildingPositiveSelfTalkforConfidenceandSelfEsteem-1–  Trash Talking- Confidence and Self esteem

What to do when you lose-What to do when you lose


Negative Thinking-Stinking thinking  

The incredible 5 point scale- 


Emotions and gestures

Empathy video- with symbolism

Emotion 1 and 2


When we worry  1

When we worry  2


Being Assertive Notes

Curriculum for running anger management group  2020

Automatic-thoughtsf or ages  Age 4-9

2 Things I could work on about Mysel

Anger Manual for Older Kids 10+)

What is Sadness Anyway?

Why are Emotions important anyway 1

What is Anger Anyway

What is Fear and Anxiety Anyway

What is Problem Solving

What is means to be Assertive

What do thoughts and beliefs have to do with anything?

What it means to be a good listener?