BEST ADHD Counselling in Brampton

Best Child ADHD Counselling in Brampton, Ontario

Best Child ADHD Counselling in Brampton, Ontario.

ADHD Counselling is a must when your child has been diagnosed with ADHD in Brampton. Your physician will most likely prescribe your child medication. He will also tell you to seek out ADHD counselling in Brampton to help your child.  Your doctor recognizes that while medication is good, pills don’t replace  skills.  There are other strategies that will supplement the medication to help your child  increase attention span, control negative impulses and curb hyperactivity.  This includes behavior management, in-class adjustments, parental self awareness,  getting well-balanced meals,  exercise  and providing child with  fidget toys and gadgets.

All of these  are included in the ADHD counselling plan  in Brampton.   Medication is extremely useful,  but the best prognosis is  best when medication works with ADHD Counselling to include all of these strategies .  ADHD can’t be cured, but symptoms can be highly minimized and become less disruptive to a child who lives with ADHD. .


Extremely!! Parents are the natural role models for their children. By becoming knowledgeable  through ADHD  counselling, you will be able to make better parenting choices,  have better self control, help your child  navigate through their daily challenges and have an overall better experience living with a child who has ADHD. Part of the ADHD counselling  includes working with both child and parent. We understand as ADHD therapists, that any success has to start from the home. ADHD counselling in Brampton can be successful if you implement the strategies that are provided in the ADHD counselling process.

Consistency and structure are highly preferable for children who have ADHD. Part of the ADHD counselling process will focus on exactly what a parent needs to be consistent about and how you can offer structure for your child in daily activities. To find out more about ADHD  D’s and Don’ts, feel free to call our ADHD counsellors in Brampton and ADHD consultants in Brampton to get more info.

We are the best provider of ADHD counelling for children in Brampton.

Positive Kids has the Best Child ADHD Counselling in Brampton, Ontario

What is Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy has shown great success in child ADHD counselling in Brampton. Also referred to as behavioral modification, it uses rewards and reinforcement to engage a child with ADHD – focusing primarily on affecting the child’s will and motivation.

The therapy basically includes reinforcing positive behaviors with praise and reward, as well reducing negative behaviors with consequences and by setting limits. The concept is that you encourage new, better behavior by rewarding the child’s struggles towards positive change. For instance, if a hyperactive child is able to raise his hand in class before talking, praise him and recognize the effort on his part. It does require constantly being creative and using new and exciting rewards but that is what your ADHD counsellor will help you to identify in ADHD counselling.

Customizing a Plan for a child with ADHD ?

Counsellors who work with Children who have  ADHD  in Brampton can help parents customize a program  that is unique and based solely on that child’s needs and requirements. Once an ADHD  counsellor is able to sit down with child and parent, they will be able to focus on areas of concern Eg,Disorganization, disrespect, Social Skills , and then come up with practical solutions  to address those needs. We can create a behavioral modification program for children at school and at home, supporting  everyone who is involved with the child with ADHD.

The key to the ADHD counselling process is  patience. Improvement of your child’s symptoms will not happen overnight, and ADHD is a very notorious, fickle condition. Your child may be responsive one day to the plan and resist another day. The goal is to stay consistent as mentioned previously and have a structure the child can depend on.  Having a bad day does not mean  that the ADHD counselling or treatment is noit working. It just takes more  patience and time. You will start to see improvements if you stay faithful to the process. .

We are the best provider of ADHD counselling for children in Brampton, Ontario