Adult ADHD

What is ADHD

As Adult ADHD Coaches, we work collaboratively with you to address your specific needs and personal goals. Our sessions are customized for you and based on the latest science (evidence-based), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) principles. Over the past twelve years, we’ve been Neurodiversity, Parenting, Compassionate Communication (NVC), and DBT Emotion Regulation Coaches.

Together we’ll work on the skills you need for planning, time management, goal setting, organization, and problem-solving. We’ll also work on skills to regulate your emotions since ADHDers generally find Emotion Regulation challenging. By the way, did you know that ADHD also affects relationships due to Emotion Dysregulation? Do you tend to go from 0 to 100 in a few seconds? Do you feel extremely hurt by people’s comments months or even years later, or do you have problems falling asleep at night because you can’t stop thinking about something “embarrassing” you said? we’ll be teaching you skills to stop this cycle of suffering.

So whether it’s work projects, chores, school work, parenting, improving relationships or finally accomplishing a dream of yours, our goal is to support you with compassion and non-judgment so that we can find ways to alleviate your stress, frustration, and fatigue (burnout) by giving you the support and skills you need.

Note: Unconditionally of neurodivergent people (ADHD, Autism, OCD, RSD, BPD, PDA, Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, C-PTSD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, SPD, etc.), and all people no matter your race, skin color, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, language, appearance, immigration status, mental health, etc.
