ADHD Tutor in Leamington


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If you live in Leamington and are looking for an ADHD Tutor, you’ve come to the right place.  Have you been going from tutor to tutor in London with no success and now feel discouraged about helping your child progress with their condition? NO need to worry. At Positive Kids, we work with parents in Leamington who have experienced firsthand the challenges associated with ADHD – The procrastination, the forgetfulness, the discouragement, the bad time management and so forth.  ADHD has the capacity to rob your child from becoming his or her best and without giving your child the tools to thrive, they can become a statistic.  There are ADHD resources available in Leamington to support your child and Positive Kids is one of them..

Handling interpersonal problems effectively

It’s not your Child’s Fault, It’s the ADHD!

We’re not excusing y our child from having to do their part, but what we are saying is that, as a parent, you need to recognize that the ADHD struggle is real and choose to help them.  For most children with ADHD, the issue is not knowledge,  it’s putting that knowledge into effect, hence’ performance.  More often than not, children diagnosed with ADHD are very bright with a great amount of potential, but teachers and parents don’t see this potential in their output. Furthermore, for parents, the combination of getting phone calls from teachers, meltdowns, low self esteem, self defeatist thinking from the child –it can become a pretty fierce battle n the homefront.

How does ADHD affect learning habits?

What is the issue and what can parents do about it. First and foremost, you must live in Leamington and require a Leamington Tutor. Secondly, it is extremely important that you, as a parent understand the complex nature of ADHD.  You need to be informed. A simple definition of ADHD is as follows; “A developmental delay in the brain that impacts inhibition and self control. As a result of this, you may see your child struggling with inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

You Just Found the Best Child ADHD Tutoring in Leamington, Ontario)

 Child ADHD Tutoring in LEAMINGTON

On a day to day basis, the ADHD interrupts a child’s  learning in the following ways;

  • The Child is easily distracted
  • The Child finds it difficult to complete tasks
  • The child finds it hard to return to a task
  • The child acts impulsively
  • The child may move and speak rapidly and excessively
  • The Child acts without thinking.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but most parents who live in Leamington and have a child with ADHD can probably relate to all or many of these symptoms.   Unfortunately, Children with ADHD often get labeled as bad, lazy, unmotivated, and troubled by those who don’t quite understand ADHD.

Now, whether you understand it or not, it’s real and it’s now become a part of your life if your child has been diagnosed in Leamington . In a nutshell, this means your child won’t learn the traditional way, and won’t respond to the traditional teaching styles.   Your child can and will benefit from an ADHD Tutor in Leamington -who has special training to understand the challenges associated with ADHD.


At Positive Kids, we are loved by both parents and students alike. We believe Positive Kids can make an encouraging difference in the life of your child. Call us today for a consultation to see whether our program would be a good fit for your precious little one. One of our professionals will contact you and discuss our ADHD tutoring options. Our tutoring style is designed to greatly benefit your child’s development.



Our Leamington Tutors are not just focused on helping your child with content, but also help with building effective studying habits, time management skills, motivational impediments etc. We introduce positive reinforcements and offer tools to increase self awareness in order to help your child help them self.

Our team of Leamington therapists, Leamington teachers and Leamington consultants and Leamington Tutors work together to build a platform dedicated exclusively to helping children overcome challenges associated with ADHD.

If you would like one of our ADHD Tutors in Leamington to assist your child, please call us at 1-866-503-7454 or email us


You Just Found the Best ADHD Tutor in Leamington
