Note From Founder
I have taught hundreds of adults Social-Emotional skills, and the one thing they all say is that they wish they could have received our training earlier in life. They would have avoided the pitfalls and the difficulties that eventually plagued them.
My adult clients have learned the hard way that passing math class didn’t naturally translate into great problem solving skills and passing English class didn’t naturally translate into great communication skills. They needed to be equipped with focused teaching designed to help them navigate through the social and emotional challenges that life would inevitably present. Today, it has become a reality and because of Positive kids, young people everywhere can access Social -Emotional learning in a formal educational and fun-filled environment.
We look forward to helping your child conquer their world!
Positive Kids Inc
About Us
Positive Kids is the first off-site facility in Canada dedicated to working with parents and school systems to offer a curriculum for teaching Social- Emotional Skills. We are currently located in the Toronto area.
Social-Emotional Classes Work!
A new study reveals that students who participated in Social Emotional Skills training profited in multiple ways. Such children compared to children who did not take SEL child therapy improved significantly in the following areas:
- Social and Emotional Skills
- Attitudes about themselves, others and school
- Social and classroom behavior
- Conduct problems such as classroom misbehavior and aggression
- Emotional Distress such as stress and depression
- Achievement test scores (IQ) and school grades including an 11-perencentile point gain in academic achievement.
SEL Research Group, 2010

Social Emotional Skills Training And Child Therapy
Positive Kids is a revolutionary new concept created by experts in the field of Emotional Intelligence. It is a private and affordable supplement to your child’s academic curriculum that focuses on building and developing social and emotional skills through child therapy practices. Our program results in children who are competent in the following areas: Self Control, Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision-making. These children ultimately become independent, confident, inquisitive, enthusiastic, responsible and compassionate adults in later years.
However, we believe that these skills have to be taught and implemented in the formative years in order to have a profound impact on personality and that is why we start teaching our children as early as 4 years of age. Our staff consists of psychologists, child therapists, psychotherapists, Child & Youth workers, as well other teaching professionals who have come together to create this life changing opportunity. We are loved by both parents and students and we believe Positive Kids can make a difference in the life of your child as well. Call for a consultation to see whether our program would be a good fit for your precious little one.
Elementary School Social-Emotional Classes
Our youngest learners will benefit from self- awareness exercises, self –expression, social -recognition of cues as well as executive function skills that will help them pay attention, remember instructions & directions as well control their behavior.
Middle School Social-Emotional Classes
Our students in middle school continue developing their social-emotional skills—including managing emotions, solving problems, making decisions, and gaining assertiveness skills to prepare them for social success and academic readiness of high-school challenges.
High school Social-Emotional Classes
Our high-schoolers are given the tools to navigate adolescence with effective communication skills, coping and tolerance, decision-making skills and additional social-emotional tools that help them make good choices, avoid pitfalls, such as peer pressure, substance abuse, and prepare for the journey of adulthood.
You should know
Positive Kids is the first off-site facility in Canada dedicated to working with parents and school systems to offer a curriculum for teaching Social- Emotional Skills. We are currently located in the Toronto area.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions. EQ helps us be self-aware, build strong relationships, make good decisions, and thrive in difficult situations. Just as a high IQ can predict top test scores, a high EQ can predict success in social and emotional situations. While many young people struggle with Emotional intelligence, the good news is that it can be learned and improved upon.
The vision of Positive Kids is to offer a safe non-judgemental environment where children can be free to learn, share, ask questions, participate in group activities, and resolve social and emotional challenges through practice and training and proven child therapy techniques.
- Greater Academic Success– Children who tend to have higher Emotional intelligence tend to do better at school than children who have lower EI scores.
- Lower Dropout Rates– Children who have higher Emotional Intelligence scores have lower school dropout rates than children who have lower EI scores.
- Greater Likeability – Children with higher Emotional intelligence tend to be more empathic, more likeable, more cooperative and express more pro-social behaviors with friends and family than children with lower EI scores
It’s no longer an option! Children need to learn and practice Emotional intelligence on a continuous basis in order to thrive. While some parents try their best to model EI, most don’t have the time, temperament or training to effectively assist their children. Positive Kids becomes a convenient place where you can rest assure these child therapy skills are being exercised, rehearsed and applied on an ongoing basis.
Your child is a great candidate for our program if:
- Your child has Learning and attention difficulties
- Your child exhibits behavioral problems
- Your child can benefit from enhanced communication skills
- Your child is shy and reserved
- Your child has experienced bullying or has been bullying others
- Your child is undergoing parental divorce or separation
- Your child has experienced any form of trauma
- Your child has problems with motivation
- Your child is extremely emotional or not emotional enough
- Your child is passive or aggressive
- Your child has any type of control disorder or addiction(eating, cutting, drugs)
- Your child has a difficult time expressing themselves
- Your child has outbursts of anger or tantrums
- Your child is extremely quiet or anti-social
- Your child is extremely intelligent but lacks social skills
- Your child can benefit from increasing their social-emotional skills