Best Child ADHD Counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

Best Child ADHD Counselling and Therapy in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

Best Child ADHD Counseling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

Contrary to popular belief, the right treatment for a child with ADHD is not medication alone. In fact medication without cognitive, behavioral and social skills training produces little effect.  A good child pediatrician or child psychologist will always suggest you to seek out Child ADHD Counselling and ADHD social groups for your child.  Medication is definitely useful in some aspects in terms of slowing down and chemically altering the physiological aspects of the brain. However, once the brain has slowed down, parents will be confronted with a lot of “How to” questions.

  • How to help a Child with ADHD problem solve?
  • How to help a Child with ADHD gain social skills and interact with others?
  • How to help a Child with ADHD gain self-regulation when confronted with stress and frustration?
  • How to help a Child with ADHD build better lifestyle habits to manage ADHD?


Child ADHD Counselling  in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

These are the real problems underlying the ADHD condition. With Positive Kids Child ADHD Counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K, children are taught to make the connection between thoughts, feelings and actions. Our programs are taught in a psycho-educational format which means- we teach children about the condition itself, and provide them tools on how to navigate successfully through the challenges ADHD presents.  We empower them and teach them they are not victims but stewards to behold the tools to overcome any obstacle presented by ADHD.

The Positive Kids Child ADHD Counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K encourages that our treatment be supported with other helpful habits such getting well-balanced meals, getting enough physical play and exercise, better sleeping habits as we believe it is a holistic approach that is most effective in combating ADHD.

At the end of our Child ADHD Counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K, we expect to see a child showing better school performance and a reduced sense of frustration and stress, better interpersonal skills, increased self-control etc.  Medication working along the ADHD counselling and Life style changes can result in great success.

Modeling Behavior to a  Child with ADHD

Parents are key contributors to how a child learns to manage problems. If parents lose control quite easily, are temperamental or have an indifference towards problems, children naturally pick up on those dysfunctional responses to problem solving.  The impact will be a poor copycat interpretation that is magnified and strengthened by the ADHD Condition.  WARNGING:  if you are a parent of a child with ADHD it is critical to model problem solving techniques to your child. Even if you want to lose control,  be tempted to walk away and stomp  your feet out of frustration or to throw your hands up  in the air indicating you’ve given up, think again and know that  children are like sponges soaking in everything you do and don’t do. Modeling can be a positive reinforce of healthy behavior only if parents can learn to contain their own behaviors otherwise they simply copy what you do and then y you can’t blame them. A critical part of our ADHD counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K is practicing role play. Children get to act out best practices as taught by our ADHD counsellors. Children get to watch videos of other children playing out different scenarios in a myriad of different situations. When children see healthy behaviors enacted by others,   they have a benchmark where they can recognize if they have fallen short. .  While we encourage parents to try their best to model positive behavior we recognize life happens.  Children registered in our programs get to see it modelled through our curriculum through videos and role play

We are the best provider of Child ADHD Counselling and Therapy in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K.

Positive Kids has the best Child ADHD counselling and therapy in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

Behavioral Therapy in ADHD Counselling

Behavioral therapy has proven to be extremely effective in treating ADHD.  Our ADHD counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K includes behavioral therapy, as well as CBT and EFT therapy. Our behavioral component includes reinforcing positive behaviors with praise and reward, as well reducing negative behaviors with consequences and by setting limits. The concept is that you encourage new, better behavior by rewarding the child’s struggles towards positive change. For instance, if a hyperactive child is able to raise his hand in class before talking, praise him and recognize the effort on his part. Our ADHD counsellors will work with parents to suggest some great behavioral exercises that they can practice at home. Our ADHD counsellors believe in working with the family system and that every individual must be part of the bigger picture.

CBT therapy in ADHD Counselling needs  in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K.

Our ADHD counsellors also utilize a therapy called CBT which stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The underlying premise of this therapy is that” what we think affects how we feel” Thus if a child is struggling emotionally or socially they can help themselves by altering their thought process. This is something that has to be taught to them as they are not given this understanding in schools and most parents aren’t quite knowledgeable themselves about this therapy.  When children start to respond to their own thoughts through self-talk and disputation, mental habits are sealed that can become a way of life for these children. For children who struggle with ADHD, this is extremely helpful for an overactive mind, a negative mind, or an aggressive mind.  Children will feel empowered once they can utilize these skills to feel better and ultimately behave better simply as a result of changing their thought processes.

We are the best provider of B Child ADHD Counselling and Therapy, Treatment in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K.

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EFT therapy in ADHD Counselling in South Downtown, Edmonton T5K

Emotion Focused Therapy- is another effective tool we use with children who struggle with ADHD. Our ADHD counsellors work with children to help them identify and label their emotions, express how they feel and enable attitudes that give them permission to share their feelings with others. This is a critical part of the ADHD counselling process because when emotions are kept hidden and deprived from being expressed, then our behaviors manifest these emotions in problematic and unhealthy ways. The combination of this therapy, along with CBT, behavioral therapy and lifestyle changes results in the overall personality of the child being affected positively.

Right Age for ADHD Counselling

Many wonder what the best age to seek counselling for children is. At what ages can they grasp meaning? Did you know that EQ (emotional intelligence) is a higher predictor of adult success than IQ?  For that reason, we say the sooner the better, as personality becomes harder to alter as we get older.   We offer our services initially in individual sessions and eventually children are transitioned into groups where they can practice some of the skills they have learned in their individual sessions.  We work with children as young as 4 and cap at 18.    It is never too late for a child to get these life changing skills that will affect them for life.